Donate to Riversong here!
To donate pet food, supplies, money, or to volunteer, please call 503 785-3690, email us at:

• River Song Foundation is a nonprofit corporation supported by contributions from people like you. Your donation will help us provide support and guidance to animal caretakers to help lessen the number of abandoned and relinquished animals as well as help us implement an aggressive spay/neuter program.
• Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and is appreciated by us and all the animals we help.
• Matching funds double your gift! If your employer matches donations to 501(c)3 organizations, your gift will go twice as far. Just send us a matching funds form along with your check and we will file the paperwork with your employer.
• Make a planned gift with a bequest of cash, stocks, bonds, personal property, life insurance or real estate.
• Honor and celebrate the special people, animals and events in your life by making a memorial of gift donation to River Song Foundation.
• Make your donation directly to any Bank of the Pacific branch or contact us.